10 mistakes a blogger makes and how to avoid them

Blogging can be a good way to share your ideas with people as well as earn money online. 

However, it is not easy to be a good blogger and it is quite difficult to get visitors. Still, you can do your best and become a successful blogger as long as you know the rules. 

In fact, you should not give up when you fail for the first time. Many successful bloggers get their success after their failure. 

Since they keep trying again and learn from their mistakes, they eventually can run their blog well and get a lot of visitors and income. 

Speaking of blogging, it seems that you have to know 10 mistakes a blogger makes and how to avoid them. 

What are they?

1. You post content or article that is too short

People rely on blogs or websites to look for reliable information on the internet. 

They will read blog posts that they think it is attractive. However, many new bloggers do not realize that blog content or post is the most important part to understand. 

Well, visitors will not feel attracted to read a too-short blog post because it does not look professional. So, you should keep in mind that you have to write at least 1500 words in a blog post.

2. You forget to optimize for SEO

Getting a lot of visitors to your blog is not that easy. You cannot just write an article and post it on your blog. 

Somehow, you also have to think about SEO. SEO is the key to the success of blogging. SEO allows visitors to find your website easily because it uses specific keywords. 

Besides, SEO is also good for earning money online. You can connect your blog to Google Adsense to get paid.

3. Consistency is very important

Perhaps, you have no idea what consistency refers to in blogging. Many bloggers fail because they are inconsistent with their blogs. 

Google will not accept a blog that is not consistent with its contents. In this case, if you want to be successful in blogging, you need to be consistent, especially when choosing your blog niche. 

You are not allowed to use some different topics in one blog. When you decide to blog, you have to post your contents or articles at least five blog posts per day so that your blog will look alive.

4. You post but never promote it

It will be useless to post a lot of content in your blog but you do not promote them. 

If you want to be a successful blogger, you have to keep promoting the blog so that people will keep visiting your blog. Visitors will not feel bored visiting a blog that has a lot of visitors. 

If you are not promoting, the blog that you manage will be quiet and there are very few readers on your blog. 

And maybe the fatal thing is that the person who makes the article becomes bored and feels annoyed because the blog that he manages has very few visitors and causes the blogger to stop blogging.

5. Desire to get high and instant money

Indeed, many people who blog want to get money, but are not in a hurry because if you are in a hurry it will be bad. 

For example, when you are just blogging for about 2 weeks / 1 month more, your desire to get money is still very high so you sign up fr Google Adsense. 

In fact, the results are not in accordance with your expectations. It is very disappointing and discouraging. So, you must slow down and be patient.

6. You do not have enough time

Well, not enough time is something that often happens to bloggers out there. 

Time is the main thing a blogger needs if they don’t have enough time to blog then bloggers who don’t have time will stop blogging.

Not enough time is also experienced by bloggers who are working, busy, and a student. Some students even use their spare time to post articles on their blogs, but they may forget to post other articles on the other days. 

As a result, the blog grows slowly. That’s why you have to think about your time before you have a blog because it has never been easy.

7. You don't see blogging as a business

This is not a new phrase, but it needs to campaign repeatedly in different styles and ways. 

To build a popular blog, you need to look at it and run it as a business. Unless you think of it as a hobby.

Having a blog doesn’t mean you are a blogger. More precisely, marketers who own blogs, they need to keep in mind when battling and competing with the majority of other bloggers out there. 

The main purpose of blogging is to generate leads. From there you can sell commodities. 

It could be an ebook, web forum, physical product, consultation, review, or whatever.

8. You think that quantity is better than quality

You can post as many articles or contents as you want in your blog. But, you have to remember that the number of your contents does not affect your blogging success. 

However, you must pay attention to the quality of your content. Quality is the most important thing in blogging. 

But, you also have to consider quantity so that quality and quantity go hand in hand.

9. You don't use visuals

When you create content, you must also describe your content visually. Many bloggers neglect this trick so that they cannot attract the attention of visitors. 

The use of visual objects is the most important thing to make visitors interested in your blog. For example, when you post an article, you can accompany it with an illustration image according to the topic you are writing about. 

Or you can also insert a video so that visitors can understand the meaning of your content.

10. You are using a free hosting

A professional blogger will never use a free hosting service. As a beginner, you can try blogging with free hosting services. 

However, your blog will not grow if you rely solely on free hosting. Thus, you can upgrade to a paid hosting service using your own domain. 

This will show that your blog is not playing games and you will gain the trust of many visitors.